
Joe teaches English kids music. He also gives private lessons. Seriously.

Okay kids and adults alike, here’s your chance to do something you’ve always wanted to do: Learn to play the saxophone!

I teach all ages, from complete beginners to experienced pros.

With younger students I’ve found that confidence-building, self-esteem boosting, and knowing it’s OK to make mistakes — Hey, I make plenty — are all great ways to learn to play the saxophone. I approach practice as an adventure comprised of fun and hard work in equal measure.

For experienced players I focus on listening, phrasing, and using a few specialised tricks that can be fun when used in the right place and time. There are plenty of techniques used in the modern sax playing world which I’ll be happy to teach you. However, personally I play from the heart and encourage you to find your own style and interpretation by experimenting with solos and fills.

Personal enjoyment by doing my best and never trying to play more than I know how always works best for me, and of course you’re only as good as your teacher!

I’ve been very fortunate over the past eight years to be able to use my craft and experience playing woodwinds to teach both youth and adults alike. Whether you’re first starting out or want to improve your existing skills, I can help you read music, pass exams, and learn to listen and improvise. I’ve been teaching one-on-one at two separate high schools here in central UK: The Bishop’s Stortford High School and Hinchingbrooke School.

I am an eternal student of music. It never fails to to inspire me and lift my soul! So whether it’s technique, phrasing, exams, or improv (one of my particular specialties), live performance or studio work, let’s have fun! Playing music is my healer and my passion, so let me share this gift with you.

Long Distance Help

Covid-19 has forced countless teachers, including me, to teach online. I’ve had great success with Zoom lessons, including ABRSM EXAMS, lessons for grades 1 through 6, and the basics of improvisation, soloing, and playing with groove/jazz tracks. It lets me listen and advise on what and how to practise in order to help you improve and get to where you hope to be.

Let’s Do It

Contact me for more information. And while you’re at it, check out my Facebook pages: